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Dog Door in Vinyl Sliding Glass Door Installation Video

Vinyl Panel Installation Instructions PDF

Video Transcription

Congratulations on your new Endura Flap pet door for sliding glass door vinyl panel. Today we're going to walk you through the quick and easy installation. Inside of your box, you will find all of the instructions for installing a vinyl sliding glass dog door or cat door, along with weather stripping and draft stopper. Make sure you do not apply any of the weather stripping until you have put the panel in your door track and are 100% sure the sliding door dog door or cat door insert works for both your pet and your sliding door.



First, take the bottom of your pet door panel and place it inside the bottom track. If your track has a pencil rail running across the center of it, the insert will straddle it.

loosen thumbscrews 


Next, straighten the panel and carefully loosen the thumbscrews to release the spring mechanism, letting the panel rise into the upper track. Then, push your panel towards the wall and inside the vertical track. You can now tighten the thumbscrews to secure the panel in place.

insert patio panel

Note: if the outer track wall is shorter, it may be easier to install the final panel from the outside. The thumbscrews and locking cover will still be facing the inside of the home.



Close the sliding door against the pet door to make sure they are level and free of any significant gaps. The weather stripping will help accommodate any small gaps. You can refer to the tricks included in your instructions for substantial deviations. Once you are confident that your panel fits your door, remove the door to install the weather stripping along both vertical sides of the panel.

weatherstripping for patio panels


Lay the panel on its side and from the bottom of the panel work your way up unrolling the weather stripping little by little and then trim with scissors. The draft stopper will be installed along the edge of the sliding glass door and will gently touch the fixed panel of glass too much overlap will wear down the adhesive and will not stick for very long.



Place the panel back on the track, making any necessary minor adjustments, and enjoy your new Endura Flap Vinyl Sliding Glass pet door.

All Endura Flap pet doors come with a locking cover made of a material that is equivalent to 1/16 inch sheet steel. You can use Charley Bar, locks, or insert a rod into the track to further secure the sliding door.