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Introducing the Winners of Our Photo & Video Contest!

At long last, the results of our first-ever photo and video contest are in!

Thank you to everyone in our email newsletter who participated. This is the first time we have ever run a contest like this on our site, and we were thrilled by the enthusiasm everyone showed. In only one week, we received over a hundred submissions of happy pets using their Endura Flap pet door.

While we loved every photo and video we received, we had to pick some winners. Our contest is broken up into two categories: photo and video. There are three winners for each, all of whom were picked by the dog-loving staff here at

Without further ado, let’s meet the winners of the contest!

Photo Contest Winners

3rd Place - $100

dog using endura flap in the glass pet door

Human: Jack Painter

Dog: Mannie

Pet Door: “In the Glass” Pet Door

We love this sunny shot of Mannie, a 1.5-year-old mini Aussie, using her pet door. She has a unique Endura Flap that is built directly through the glass of her owner, Jack, sliding glass door. Like other Endura Flap models, these doors are especially durable, which

2nd Place- $250

dog using endura flap pet door for walls

Human: Scott Wagner

Dogs: Trudy

Pet Door: Wall Mount

Trudy looks like she’s on a mission while stepping outside through her Endura Flap Wall Mount. According to her owner, Trudy is a redbone coonhound who was a foster fail. We’re glad to know that her and her brothers Truman and Morgan are enjoying having access to their backyard whenever they need it.

1st Place- $500

dog carrying pet toy through endura flap dog door

Human: Steve Piercy

Dogs: Boogy

Pet Door: Door Mount

First place goes to this impressive shot of Boogy bringing his pet toy through his Endura Flap Door Mount. Boogy is one busy pup. Not only does he get to experience the great outdoors of his native Oregon, but he is also a certified therapy animal. He also helps children pratice their reading in a non-judgemental, safe environment. Good job, Boogy!

Video Contest

3rd Place - $100

Human: Teresa Eshenour

Dog: Kooper, Becca, Comet, Willow, Charleigh, Lily, Phoebe, & Kayla

Pet Door: Door Mount

Let’s us be the first to say: that’s a lot of dogs! Dog siblings Kooper, Beeca, Comet, Willow, and Charleigh had their friends Lily, Phoebe, and Kayla over on the day of this filming. All of these good girls look like they were having a lot of fun, and luckily their heavy duty pet door will be able to keep up with all their fun.

2nd Place - $250

Human: Erica Little

Dog: Maddox

Pet Door: Door Mount

Meanwhile, Maddox here seems to be friends with a lot of beautiful chickens. Maddox uses his door to go in and out as he pleases even when his parents aren’t home. He’s taken to his pet door quickly, and we’re happy to see him get backyard access whenever he wants.

1stPlace - $500

Human: River Sneed

Dog: Jasper

Pet Door: Wall Mount

How could we not award the top prize to such a wonderful tribute to Jasper and her in-wall pet door. Jasper is a retried obedience competitor with a few titles to her name, which you can see from how enthusiastically she shows off her pet door. She’s a natural sales woman, and we hope she continues to enjoy her door for years to come.

Congratulations to all of the contest winners! It was a hard decision to make, and we are so grateful for your participation. Thank you to everyone who submitted as well. Without all of you, this contest would never have been able to happen.

Even if you didn’t win the contest this year, there’s always the next one. Make sure you subscribe to our newsletter to all of the latest news about Endura Flap Pet Doors, from new products to contents, discounts, and more!

Mia Daniele

Written by

Copy Editor

Pets: I have a fluffy, 14 year old chow-collie mix with red fur named Rosso. He's very stubborn and has the standoffish personality of a cat.
Fun stuff: I am a hot chocolate connoisseur.

Copy Editor

Pets: I have a fluffy, 14 year old chow-collie mix with red fur named Rosso. He's very stubborn and has the standoffish personality of a cat.
Fun stuff: I am a hot chocolate connoisseur.

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